Honestly……I thought this Fifa Under 17 Womens World Cup thing would be boring – maybe loads of high loafting passes to no one in no where places. Why? Because that is what I am lead to beleive!
THANKFULLY I stand corrected.
As a male – girls, you play tough and with hard spirit.
How much longer can we ignore womens sports??
This Football World Cup 2008, held here (in all places) in NZ, is turning out to be the tournament of the future.
Fantasic running, passing and some crunching tackles that you no longer see in the premiership! Mate…. many of them makes my eyes water!
I’ve watched many of the games over the last few days and i really enjoyed them! Why?? Dramatic – definately – quality absolutely…..but why?? Because i stupidly thought that girls can’t play football!
BUT they have guts, they have technique, they have speed and quality!
It’s been an education.
Girls can and will do anything.
Football ladies everywhere…..I’m sorry….i got mislead by male dominated press and ego’s!
Please except my apologise.
I’m lovin this world cup tournament because it’s about
time womens sport gets recognised for the quality it is! Football, Rugby, what ever it takes women sports deserve more exposure, prize money and real sponsership!
Why am i the only one that see’s this??
What do you think??
Make your comment now and make it count!
La mesure des indicateurs de satisfaction (i Satis) / Septembre 2012 (mise a jour Aout Nimes 2015).
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